Resmark’s primary mandate as a real estate fund manager is to maximize risk-adjusted returns for Investors in the funds and other investment vehicles which it manages and advises. The firm strives to optimize the opportunity to incorporate its responsible investment principles into its activities and to incorporate sustainable operating practices where feasible and applicable.

Resmark’s Corporate Responsibility Steering Committee spearheads the company’s overall responsible investment program and drives the implementation of the company’s corporate responsibility initiatives.

Download 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report Download 2022 ESG Report


Remain conscious of the environmental sustainability of our development properties, including energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management, and lighting.

Obtain, when applicable and feasible, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certification for our development properties.

Comply with any relevant city and state building code requirements, some of which include strict efficiency criteria.

Evaluate the location of development properties in context of transportation resources.

Maintain open dialogue with employees and joint venture partners regarding environmental risks, opportunities, and best practice measures.

Team and Community

Cultivate a socially responsible workplace while offering meaningful opportunities for employees and prospective employees.

Promote an inclusive workforce comprising of talented individuals from varied backgrounds, each with unique experiences and skillsets.

Prioritize the welfare of our workforce through health and wellness initiatives, ensuring high labor standards, and providing support and encouragement with continual career progression.

Maintain and uphold Resmark’s Responsible Contractor Program, which supports and encourages fair wages and benefits for workers employed by contractors and subcontractors.

Support charities and educational initiatives through sponsored volunteering and fundraising events.


Resmark is a Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) Registered Investment Advisor, and adheres to the requirements and guidance published by the SEC.

Corporate oversight and governance provided by Resmark’s Board of Directors, the majority of which are independent directors.

Maintain comprehensive Code of Conduct and Policies/Procedures manuals that are distributed to all employees.

Uphold the highest data security and confidentiality standards.